














钱海生,安徽安庆桐城(市)人,九三学社社员,博士,东南学者特聘教授,博士生导师,现任安徽医科大学生物医学工程学院执行院长,安徽医科大学生物医学材料研究与工程转化中心主任安徽省生物医学工程学会副理事长,中国医药生物技术分会造影技术分会委员(2019.10-),国家科技奖评审专家,教育部青年长江评审专家,安徽省医疗器械审评专家库专家。美国纳米协会会员,英国皇家化学会会员,中国化学会会员,中国材料协会会员,中国抗癌协会会员(肿瘤靶向治疗、纳米肿瘤学、肿瘤影像专业委员会)。钱海生教授是第一届安徽省优秀博士论文获得者(2009)Scopus青年科学之星(2010),是SCI期刊Journal of Nanomaterials的编委之一(IF20182.207),是Advanced MaterialsACS NanoChemistry of MaterialsBiomaterials等三十几种期刊特约审稿人。发表学术论文140余篇,论文被引用6400余次,2020年获安徽省自然科学二等奖(排名第一)


1. Benjin Chen, Chenyang Zhang, Wanni Wang, Zhaoyou Chu, Zhengbao Zha, Xiaoyan He, Wei Zhou, Tao Liu*, Hua Wang*, Haisheng Qian*, Ultrastable AgBiS2 hollow nanospheres with cancer cell-specific cytotoxicity for multi-modal tumor therapy, ACS Nano 2020,14, 14919-14928

2. Wan-Ni Wang#, Pei Pei#, Zhao-You Chu#, Ben-Jin Chen, Hai-Sheng Qian*, Zheng-Bao Zha, Wei Zhou, Tao Liu, Min Shao*, Hua Wang*, Bi2S3 coated Au nanorods for enhanced photodynamic and photothermal antibacterial activities under NIR light, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 397, 125488.

3. Chenyang Zhang#, Dongdong Li#, Pei Pei#, Wanni Wang, Benjin Chen, Zhaoyou Chu, Zhengbao Zha, Xianzhu Yang*, Jinbin Wang*, Haisheng Qian*, Rod-based urchin-like hollow nanospheres of Bi2S3: facile synthesis, photo-controlled drug release for photoacoustic imaging and chemo-photothermal therapy of tumor ablation, Biomaterials 2020, 237, 119835

4. Wan-Ni Wang#, Chen-Yang Zhang#, Mao-Feng Zhang#, Pei Pei, Wei Zhou, Zheng-Bao Zha, Min Shao*, Hai-Sheng Qian*, Precisely photothermal controlled releasing of antibacterial agent from Bi2S3 hollow microspheres triggered by NIR light for water sterilization, Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 381, 122630.

5. Zhao-You Chu, Wan-Ni Wang, Chen-Yang Zhang, Juan Ruan, Ben-Jin Chen, Hong-Mei Xu, Hai-Sheng Qian*, Monitoring and removal of trace heavy metal ions via fluorescence resonance energy transfer mechanism: in case of silver ions, Chemical Engineering Journal 2019, 375, 121927.

6. Chenyang Zhang#, Huanhuan Liu#, Wanni Wang#, Haisheng Qian*, Sheng Cheng, Yang Wang, Zhengbao Zha, Yijun Zhong, Yong Hu*, Scalable fabrication of ZnxCd1-xS double-shell hollow nanospheres for highly efficient hydrogen production, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2018, 239, 309-316.

7. Wan-Ni Wang#, Chen-Xi Huang#, Chen-Yang Zhang, Meng-Li Zhao, Jun Zhang, Hua-Jian Chen, Zheng-Bao Zha, Ting-Ting Zhao*, Hai-Sheng Qian*, Controlled synthesis of upconverting nanoparticles/ZnxCd1-xS yolk-shell nanoparticles for efficient photocatalysis driven by NIR light, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2018, 224, 854-862. 

8. Kun Liu#, Liang Dong#, Yun-Jun Xu#, Xu Yan, Fei Li, Yang Lu,* Wei Tao, Huang-Yong Peng, Ya-Dong Wu, Yang Su, Daishun Ling, Tao He, Hai-Sheng Qian,* Shu-Hong Yu*, Stable Gadolinium Based Nanoscale Lyophilized Injection for Enhanced MR Angiography with Efficient Renal Clearance, Biomaterials 2018, 158, 74-85.

9. Hai-Sheng Qian, Hui-Cheng Guo, Paul Chi-Lui Ho, Ratha Mahendran, Yong Zhang*, Mesoporous-Silica-Coated Upconversion Fluorescent Nanoparticles for Photodynamic Therapy. Small 2009, 5(20), 2285-2290.

10. Hai-Sheng Qian, Markus Antonietti, Shu-Hong Yu*, Hybrid “Golden Fleece”: Synthesis and Catalytic Performance of Uniform Carbon Nanofibers and Silica Nanotubes Embedded with High Population of Noble-Metal Nanoparticles. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2007, 17(4), 637-643.



1. 2020年国家自然科学基金区域联合基金-强粘附性Mn2+水凝胶TACE栓塞剂对肝癌基于STING介导的免疫干预机制研究(U20A20379-合作单位负责人;

2. 先进催化材料教育部重点实验室 开放课题(2020);

3. 东南学者科研启动基金(2019.11-2024.11);

4. 中国科学院光化学转换与功能材料重点实验室开放课题(2019-);



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